Hello there :) its been like an age since the last time I wrote in my Blog isn't ? I've like kezillion story to tell you guys but it would take a day to write and I really don't have time right now .
Tertanya-tanya tak kenapa aku boleh blogging now ? Ahaaa , well actually yesterday I enjoy running for 1Murid 1Sukan , the Malaysia book of record and after that my school buat HARI ADAB IBU BAPA and yeahh as you know , my dad won't come so I have to take the record back . So here I am , at home . My lovely home , and there is no place such as home here . This gonna be my HOME SWEET HOME . Teeheee , 1murid 1sukan is not that bad laa , yelaa dengan cikgu pun lari sekali . Hee enjoy and takde laa jauh sangat . I and my two best friend ( Faz and Fiqa ) antara orang yang terawal kot . Hehe , dapat sijil kot , "the book of Malaysia's world record" haha bangga ! But unfortunately sijil tu tertinggal dalan Fiqa's bag .
-till then-